Today we went to the US Consulate General in Guangzhou to take an oath and sign an application to complete the final step to adopt Joy Xin Ping Jones here in China! They are completing our paperwork today and tomorrow, Jack, our guide will pick up Joy's visa packet which will contain her Chinese passport containing a US visa, documents required by immigration officials when we arrive at first airport in U.S., and an adoption certificate. Wow!! Then we fly out early Wednesday morning (Tuesday night at 9:00pm in Alabama), and arrive home around 9:00pm Wednesday. We weren't allowed to take cameras or pictures at the oath ceremony. After the ceremony, we went to celebrate on Shamian Island. We enjoyed the scenery and did some shopping and then we ate lunch at Lucy's! Apparantly Lucy's is pretty famous for American families because their menu consisted of items like grill cheese, hamburger, spaghetti, sweet tea and apple pie! Yum!

There were several groups doing traditional Chinese forms of exercise, maybe Tai Chi?
Ping Ping enjoying her bottle! |
We were so thankful for Lucy's. We didn't have an appetite for whole pig today. |
This statue shows the progression of women in Chinese culture. |
Us with our guide, Jack |
Joy reasoning with Daddy for the camera. |
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