Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

What a beautiful and wonderful Christmas this has been!  It has been a very dreary, rainy day outside, but inside the house is warmed with love and the laughter of our children!  I still wonder if this is all a dream and I will "wake up" from this dream, the dream that our daughter is finally home.  Before we brought Joy home, I would dream about her being home, even before we knew of her.  When I slow down and ponder the moment, reality shakes me and I find myself wondering, am I still dreaming...
Joy has enjoyed her first Christmas.  Before yesterday, she didn't know how to open a present, but she is a pro now! 

Joy applying her lipstick. For Christmas, Santa brought her a purse, complete with lipstick and keys!
Many times during the past month, I think back to last year and I remember decorating for Christmas and celebrating Christmas and the Christmas season with Joy in our hearts and minds and wishing her a Merry Christmas from across the world.  We wanted her to be home so bad and it was so hard to not have her to hold and tuck in at night and protect.  We are so very thankful for having Joy home this Christmas!  We are so thankful for Jesus, that he left his home and came to this broken world and made a Way for us to be at home with Him.  We are so thankful for our health and our family and friends who mean so much to us!

We are so thankful for the progress that Joy has made.  Last week we had a check up at the UAB International Adoption Clinic and found out that Joy is on a 24-30 month level cognitively!  What wonderful news that she has come SO FAR!  When we brought her home, she was on a 6 month level!  Physically, she is on a 12 month level.  So we are working hard on her speech and fine and gross motor skills.  We are confident that she will catch up!  She is working so hard on trying to make sounds, she watches our mouths and tries...she'll get there.  Her strong will can be an advantage!!

Merry Christmas!!!


  1. Loved reading this! Love you all much!

  2. Loved the lipstick part; great for her brain to get that stimuli on her lips doing it herself!!
