Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ready, Set, Go!

It is travel day!
Yesterday we packed and packed and PACKED!!!  We thought we were doing really well on luggage size limit requirements, but when we finally packed everything, we actually had to pack an extra bag to take every thing we "needed" or had planned to take.  Wow!!! we are taking five checked bags!
We slept great last night and we got up at 3:00.  We left home at 5:00 and arrived to the Birmingham airport at 6:30.  It is now 8:45 and our flight leaves at 10:00.  Praise God!!!  We arrive in Chicago at 12:17 and then our next flight leaves Chicago at 1:00 headed to Beijing!  The flight from Chicago to Beijing is almost 14 hours.  We will arrive there about 3:30p.m. which will be 2:30a.m. in Alabama.
We will be flying from Beijing to Nanjing on Sunday and then on Monday, March 26th we will meet our daughter face to face for the first time!  What a blessed day March 26th will forever be in our memories! 
In 1996 Greg and I were in a very bad auto accident.  We slid off the road and hit a driveway embankment that worked as a ramp and the vehicle was propelled into the air.  We flipped and landed in trees.  Greg had a brain injury and the doctors told us that they didnt expect him to live.  I had crushed vertebrae and wasn't sure if I would be able to walk again.  God healed us both miraculously and we knew then that God had work for us to do still here on earth.  That accident was on March 26, 1996.  We will forever celebrate this day.  Not only as the day we lived through an horrible accident, but now as the day we will be united with our precious daughter.  We are so thankful to be alive and have the opportunity to have two awesome sons and one beautiful daughter!!!
Thank you so much for your prayers.  You all mean more to us than you'll ever know!
Gotta go, next post will be from Beijing!

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